Creating history

Life is full of good times and bad, happy and sad, adventure and humdrum. To me, making the most out of life has become so much more important as the years rush past. I’ve now reached a time where I really appreciate how lucky I am to have my life. No, it isn’t a perfect life, but it is a good life. I’m surrounded by good friends, caring family and a wonderful husband. I have finally come to terms with the things in my life that I am unable to change, and now take great joy in celebrating me.

So who am I? Well, I’m a woman with many interests and passions. I am just as happy with the simple things in life – like spending a day in front of the telly in my PJs, as I am living it up in a 5 star hotel. I love my husband, my dog, my family and friends, travelling the world, food and wine. I’m fascinated by history, other cultures and politics. I believe in equality.

So, this is just a very small window into me and my life and I look forward to sharing more with you and I hope you will also share with me.

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